[daip] 31DEC06 LINUX midnite job (dave, 20060419.034337)

aipsmgr at aoc.nrao.edu aipsmgr at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue Apr 18 23:44:02 EDT 2006

dave update report for 31DEC06 on Wed Apr 19 03:44:02 UTC 2006 (UT)

Copies and compiles:

AIPSUPD - Using CVS for copying files.
UPDCVS - cvs update of 31DEC06 completed
UPDCVS - cvs update of TEXT completed
AIPSUPD - UPDCVS apparently worked


UPDCONTROL - Everything seems in order


UPDCOMRPL: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC06/LINUX/UPDATE


18-APR-2006 19:35:14 20060418 TST APGNOT   TI2HA.FOR     egreisen
18-APR-2006 20:51:10 20060418 TST YPGNOT   APCAL.FOR     amiodusz
18-APR-2006 23:45:25 20060418 TST YPGNOT   BPLOT.FOR     egreisen

UPDCOMLNK: currently in /home/AIPS/31DEC06/LINUX/UPDATE

UPDCONTROL - Reasons for file updates on Wed Apr 19 03:43:49 UTC 2006 (UT)

18-APR-2006 19:35:08 20060418 TST APGNOT   TI2HA.FOR     strip subarray properly
18-APR-2006 19:36:00 20060418 TST HLPFIL   STUFFR.HLP    stuff multiple data sets into one
18-APR-2006 19:36:02 20060418 TST HLPFIL   TI2HA.HLP     subarray code
18-APR-2006 19:37:27 20060418 TST RUNSYS   STUFFR.001    proc stuffs multiple data sets into one
18-APR-2006 20:49:40 20060418 TST HLPFIL   APCAL.HLP     add robust sol'n
18-APR-2006 20:50:18 20060418 TST YPGNOT   APCAL.FOR     various improvments
18-APR-2006 20:59:35 20060418 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    stuffr
18-APR-2006 21:06:56 20060418 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    APCAL
18-APR-2006 23:45:14 20060418 TST YPGNOT   BPLOT.FOR     labeling problem
18-APR-2006 23:48:34 20060418 TST HIST     CHANGE.DOC    bplot

CHANGE.DOC entries:

12076.  April 18, 2006           STUFFR                    Eric
        New procedure and run file to stuff multiple-day observations
        into a compressed data set.  Each data set is converted to
        hour angles rather than times, sorted into BT order, and
        concatenated with DBCON.  Then UBAVG is run on the result.
        TI2HA needed to be fixed to drop the subarray code from the
        baseline ID when it drops it from the times.
        Moved nowhere.

12077.  April 18, 2006           APCAL                    Amy
        Various changes:
           1) Used to identify all single stokes as RR, fixed.
           2) Added error recognition to opacity fits.  If the
              receiver temp or tau0 was < 0 or greater than
              certain maximum values then croak and tell user
              to edit Tsys.
           3) Added robustness to two of the fitting algorithms,
              GRID and OPAC, adding GRDR and OPCR.
        Moved nowhere.

12078.  April 18, 2006            BPLOT                   Eric
        The X axis labeling when doing more than 1 IF confused LWPLA.
        Changed it to do all labels for 1 IF and then all for the
        next.  Added a digit to the pixrange display at the bottom.
        Moved nowhere.

12079.  April

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