[daip] startup error MSGSRV and TEKSRV

Larry Maddox maddox at nhn.ou.edu
Wed Oct 26 13:08:26 EDT 2005


recently, i started receiving the following error messages in the message
and tek server windows on AIPS startup:

AIPSmsg: Can't execvp $LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE ; sleep 3


AIPStek: Can't execvp $LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE ; sleep 3

we had a hard drive failure on another disk.  the AIPS directory struture
is on separate disk and the value of the $LOAD variable does not reference
the failed disk.

maddox at aragorn % echo $LOAD

i can use the TV for most of the plotting that i did on the TEKSRV, but it
is much slower.

any ideas? i know that there is not a lot of information here, but i could
not find log files.



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