[daip] message server problems

Andy Biggs adb at roe.ac.uk
Fri Oct 21 05:25:16 EDT 2005

Hi there. I've written before about problems with the message and tek 
servers in my installations of aips. I've just got a new Linux workstation 
and the same problem occurs with the aips installation (binary) that I've 
just downloaded. The good thing compared to the past is that I can now see 
the error that is reported in the MSGSRV window (before it dies). It is:

/harport/adb/aips/31DEC05/LINUX/LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE: error while loading 
shared libraries: libsvml.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

If I run ldd on MSGSRV.EXE it reports no problems and finds libsvml.so. Is 
there any way to fix this?

My computer is a dual-processor AMD Opteron 248 running Debian 3.1.


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