[daip] Disturbing warnings when running DBCON

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Sun Oct 2 07:21:58 EDT 2005

The message indeed means that some extension table was not
concatenated when it should have been.  The CT table now has 12
columns and used to have 11 so it is not the likely culprit.

      DATA APTYPE /'CL','FG','TY','WX','IM','MC','PC','AT','CT','GC',
     *   'OB'/

is the list of tables that might be appended.  Look at your IMHEAD and
check these tables for one with 10 col and another with 11.  Only the
WX and CT tables have had any recent work and I do not remember if we
changed the WX format.  It now has 11 columns so maybe this is the

Should be no loss if the basic cals have already been done.

Eric Greisen

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