[daip] Re: MK3IN severe bug

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Mon Nov 28 11:14:23 EST 2005

Walter Alef writes:
 > Hi Leonid,
 > I hope I am sending this e-mail to the right person. I found a severe bug in 
 > the latest release of MK3IN: The Us and Vs are wrong. I ran the data through 
 > UVFIX and got different Us and Vs (see attached plots). Fortunately I had an 
 > old version of the code lying around and found that the precession has been 
 > changed and I found 'LK' as the person who made that change. I guess that's 
 > you. Could you or whoever 'LK' is please check what the reason for the wrong 
 > Us and Vs are? The source structure I got was rotated by about 90 degrees 
 > (which is how I spotted that there is a problem).

You should always use daip.  That way we get it to everyone who needs
to look at this.

The only change made at all recently was to drop the use of the PRECES
subroutine in favor of the more correct JPRECS.  That should be in
31DEC04 and 31DEC05 but not 31DEC03.  The last is still available at
Bonn as VERSION=OLD.  But be aware that remote tape cannot handle it -
the TPMONs in the more recent versions use different LUNs from those
used before.

I have looked at the calls to the 2 routines and they appear to have
been changed correctly.  Has your new data had a change in its

Eric Greisen

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