[daip] AIPS installation problem with displaying new images

Christina Lacey clacey at mail.psc.sc.edu
Wed Jan 12 20:56:24 EST 2005

I installed AIPS on a computer running Fedora Core 2 on a SCSI disk.  I 
had previously had AIPS installed on this disk with RH 8.0 with the AIPS 
data disks on a separate SCSI disk.  I was forced to do a fresh 
installation of Fedora in order to upgrade this computer.  I installed 
AIPS on the disk with Fedora and connected the data disks on the 
separate disk that I had not changed.

I had moved a separate data AIPS to another installation of AIPS before, 
so I had not anticipated any problems.

My problem is that I cannot display any images that I have made after I 
reinstalled AIPS.

The images that I made prior to the new installation are fine. I can 
display the old images in the tvwindow.  I can make new images with 
IMAGR  and can do DOTV 1, the images display in the tvwindow and I can 
use the TV instructions to manipulate the cleaning.  I can then use 
TVSTAR and other routines with DOTV 1. If I try to display another image 
or redisplay the imafe I just made that I have made after I reinstalled 
AIPS, I get the following message:


IMHEADER displays the header information properly and MCAT displays all 
the images in the catalog properly. CAT only shows the current file 
however. I can do KNTR with DOTV -1, and create plot files that I can 
print with LWPLA.

Any idea what I messed up and how I can rectify my problem?

Let me know if you need additional information or clarification.

Thanks, Christina
Prof. Christina Lacey		lacey at sc.edu
University of South Carolina	office: 803-777-6089
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy	fax: 803-777-3065
Columbia, SC 29208

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