[daip] AIPS & gcc compiler woes

Michael Bietenholz mbieten at yorku.ca
Wed Feb 16 19:40:11 EST 2005

What is the status of your tests of AIPS with gcc 3.4.3?  Your
web-site says you haven't tested 3.4.3 yet but its rumoured to have
fixed the bug in 3.4.2.  I ask because just installed a new Red-Hat
Enterprise 4 system, and 3.4.3 is the compiler it comes with.

Alternatively, should I install gcc 3.2.3 or even 2.95.3 in /usr/local
and use those?  Have you used 2.95.3 with the newer RedHat systems
(e.g. Enterprise v3 or 4)?

        thanks,          michael b

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