[daip] aisp 31DEC06 XASERVERS bug

Krzysztof Chyzy chris at oa.uj.edu.pl
Thu Dec 15 10:05:51 EST 2005


I have installed (upgraded) my aips software to 31DEC06 using tarball
downloaded on 15 Dec. The system was recompiled with gnu 2.95.3 compiler
on Thunderbird AMD linux machine with REDHAT 9 in KDE environment.

When running, all was working except msgsrv and teksrv servers. These two 
servers opened xterms without a title string at the top and the following 
error messages in the xterm windows:

------------------- msgsrv:
AIPSmsg: Can't execvp $LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE ; sleep 3 : Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
[chris at chris chris]$ 
------------------ teksrv:
AIPStek: Can't execvp $LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE ; sleep 3 : Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
[chris at chris chris]$ 
Please notice the command prompt.

After some digging I found that the problem is with a code

I have changed it in 2 places to the previous version of the code
from older AIPS I had, and now everything is working! The changes I made
are as follows:

-------------------- XASERVERS:
     ei6 "Start graphics server TEKSRV on $TVHOST, DISPLAY $DISPLAY"
                         $AIPS_TEK_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE &)
              sleep 3
#                         $AIPS_TEK_EXE_FLAG '$LOAD/TEKSRV.EXE ; sleep 3 ' &)


     ei6 "Start message server MSGSRV on $TVHOST, DISPLAY $DISPLAY"
                         $AIPS_MSG_EXE_FLAG $LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE &)
#                         $AIPS_MSG_EXE_FLAG '$LOAD/MSGSRV.EXE ; sleep 3 ' &)

Best regards,

Dr. Krzysztof T. Chyzy                       e-mail: chris at oa.uj.edu.pl
Astronomical Observatory                          uochyzy at cyf-kr.edu.pl 
Jagiellonian University
ul. Orla 171, 30-244 Krakow, Poland
tel (+48 12) 4251771
fax (+48 12) 4251318

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