[daip] Re: recovery from loss of aips catalog

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Dec 15 12:30:38 EST 2005

Geoffrey Bower writes:
 > Eric,
 > In the process of setting up an aips acct on a linux machine, it appears that
 > catalog on solaris machines was disturbed.  Probably this was due to
 > including the same disks for each system in .dadevs, inadvertently.  
 > All the files are still there but the catalog doesn't appear to exist
 > anymore.  How can we rebuild the catalog using the existing files?

Yes - there is a stand-alone program in AIPS called RECAT

source LOGIN.CSH    (or . LOGIN.SH for bash)

and answer the questions.  It uses the header files CBD* to reinstate
the CA file.

Eric Greisen

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