[daip] cpass

Lynn D. Matthews lmatthew at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Dec 6 15:06:54 EST 2005

As I mentioned in Socorro, I am no longer able to get the task CPASS to

I have now tested it on two different data sets, one VLA (using a point
model), and one VLBA (using autocorrelation data).  In both cases I get
similar error messages (see example below).  The task then claims to end
successfully, but no BP table is written. I have tweaked various inputs,
but the behavior is always the same. Below I have appended my inputs and
message file from the VLBA test.

I note that the following changes to the task have appeared since I
last ran it successfully:

addition of CMETHOD
addition of BLVER
addition of DOBAND


AIPS 1: CPASS     Task to generate a polynomial 'Bandpass' (BP) table.
AIPS 1: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 1: USERID        0                    User number
AIPS 1: INNAME     'BG118J'                Input UV file name (name)
AIPS 1: INCLASS    'FITLD'                 Input UV file name (class)
AIPS 1: INSEQ         2                    Input UV file name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: INDISK        2                    Input UV file disk unit #
AIPS 1:                                    Data Selection
AIPS 1: CALSOUR    '4C39.25'               Bandpass calibrator sources.
AIPS 1:            '0528+134'  *rest ' '
AIPS 1: QUAL         -1                    Calibrator qualifier -1=>all
AIPS 1: CALCODE    ' '                     Calibrator code '    '=>all
AIPS 1: UVRANG        0           0        UV range to select
AIPS 1: TIMERANG   *all 0                  Time range to select
AIPS 1: STOKES     ' '                     Stokes type to select.
AIPS 1: SELBAND      -1                    Bandwidth to select (kHz)
AIPS 1: SELFREQ      -1                    Frequency to select (MHz)
AIPS 1: FREQID       -1                    Freq. ID to select.
AIPS 1: BIF           1                    Lowest IF number 0=>all
AIPS 1: EIF           0                    Highest IF number 0=>all
AIPS 1: BCHAN         1                    Lowest channel number 0=>all
AIPS 1: ECHAN         0                    Highest channel number 0=>all
AIPS 1: SUBARRAY      0                    Subarray, 0=>all
AIPS 1: ANTENNAS   *all 0                  Antennas to select
AIPS 1:                                    CLEAN map (optional)
AIPS 1: IN2NAME    ' '                     Cleaned map name (name)
AIPS 1: IN2CLASS   ' '                     Cleaned map name (class)
AIPS 1: IN2SEQ        0                    Cleaned map name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: IN2DISK       0                    Cleaned map disk unit #
AIPS 1: INVERS        0                    CC file version #.
AIPS 1: NCOMP      *all 0                  # comps to use for model.
AIPS 1:                                    1 value per field
AIPS 1: FLUX          0                    Lowest CC component used.
AIPS 1: NMAPS         0                    No. Clean map files
AIPS 1: CMETHOD    ' '                     Modeling method:
AIPS 1:                                    'DFT','GRID','    '
AIPS 1: SMODEL     *all 0                  Source model, 1=flux,2=x,3=y
AIPS 1:                                    See HELP SMODEL for details.
AIPS 1:                                    Control options
AIPS 1: DOCALIB       2                    If >0 calibrate data
AIPS 1:                                    = 2 calibrate weights
AIPS 1: GAINUSE       8                    CL (or SN) table to apply
AIPS 1: DOPOL        -1                    If >0 correct polarization.
AIPS 1: BLVER        -1                    BL table to apply.
AIPS 1: FLAGVER       2                    Flag table version
AIPS 1: DOBAND       -1                    If >0 apply bandpass cal.
AIPS 1:                                    Method used depends on value
AIPS 1:                                    of DOBAND (see HELP file).
AIPS 1: BPVER         1                    Bandpass table version
AIPS 1: SOLINT        0                    Solution interval (mins)
AIPS 1:                                    -1 => do whole time range
AIPS 1: REFANT        9                    Reference antenna
AIPS 1: OUTVERS       1                    BP table version to write
AIPS 1: SMOOTH        3           8        Smoothing function. See
AIPS 1:               0                    HELP SMOOTH for details.
AIPS 1: ANTWT      *all 0                  Ant. wts (0 => 1.)
AIPS 1: BPASSPRM      1           1        Control information:
AIPS 1:               1           0        1: if > 0 use only the
AIPS 1:               1           0           autocorrelation data.
AIPS 1:               0           0        2: print level.
AIPS 1:               0           1        3: If > 0 do not divide data
AIPS 1:               0                       by source model
AIPS 1:                                    4: If > 0 store phases only
AIPS 1:                                       in the BP table.
AIPS 1:                                    5: If = 0 divide by 'channel
AIPS 1:                                       0' before determining BP.
AIPS 1:                                       If > 1 switch off the
AIPS 1:                                       channel 0 divide option.
AIPS 1:                                    6: min. amp. closure err
AIPS 1:                                    7: min. ph. closure err
AIPS 1:                                    8: > 0 => scalar average
AIPS 1:                                    10: > 1 => normalize ampl.
AIPS 1:                                       portion of bandpass by
AIPS 1:                                       area under BP function.
AIPS 1:                                       Useful for VLBI.
AIPS 1:                                    11: > 1, mode to allow
AIPS 1:                                       calibration and divide
AIPS 1:                                       by channel 0. Useful for
AIPS 1:                                       VLBI. Do not use if you
AIPS 1:                                       don't understand. See HELP
AIPS 1: CPARM        30         100        Fit parameters:
AIPS 1:              0.01       600        1: No. of terms.
AIPS 1:               2           0        2: Max. no. iterations.
AIPS 1:               0           1        3: Convergence tolerance.
AIPS 1:               0           0        4: Pre-average interval (sec)
AIPS 1:                                       Default: Auto -  5 min.
AIPS 1:                                                Cross - 15 min.
AIPS 1:                                    5: Fit type (1=Re/Im; 2=A/P)
AIPS 1:                                    6: BP table for initial val.
AIPS 1:                                    7: Fit phase only (1=> with
AIPS 1:                                       ampl.; 2=> without)
AIPS 1:                                    8: >0 => Autoscale
AIPS 1:                                    9: >0 suppress data weighting
AIPS 1: ICHANSEL   *all 0                  Array of start and stop chan
AIPS 1:                                    numbers, plus a channel
AIPS 1:                                    increment and IF to be used
AIPS 1:                                    to select channels to sum to
AIPS 1:                                    find a 'channel 0'.  If all
AIPS 1:                                    0, range set to inner 75% of
AIPS 1:                                    observing band.
AIPS 1:                                    'Channel 0' uv-data
AIPS 1: IN3NAME    ' '                     Channel 0 uv name (name)
AIPS 1: IN3CLASS   ' '                     Channel 0 uv name (class)
AIPS 1: IN3SEQ        0                    Channel 0 uv name (seq. #)
AIPS 1: IN3DISK       0                    Channel 0 uv disk unit #
AIPS 1: BADDISK    *all 0                  Disks to avoid for scratch

task     time   messages for user 2086
******  06-DEC-2005  ******
CPASS1 14:28:04 Task CPASS  (release of 31DEC05) begins
CPASS1 14:28:04 You are using a non-standard program
CPASS1 14:28:04 Bandpass response function generator
CPASS1 14:28:04 Resultant bandpass table will be normalized
CPASS1 14:28:04 Array name in AN table is VLBA
CPASS1 14:28:04 Will assume this is data from the VLBA correlator
CPASS1 14:28:04 and that it is all fringe-rotated to Earth Centre
CPASS1 14:28:04 Will remove effects of that fringe-rotation
CPASS1 14:28:04 to provide consistent bandpass calibration
CPASS1 14:28:04 If incorrect, abort and change array name keyword
CPASS1 14:28:04 Selecting, editing and calibrating the data
CPASS1 14:28:29 Determining solutions
CPASS1 14:28:29 Solving polarization RR, IF channel    1
CPASS1 14:28:29  NIT   NF         F                     GTG
CPASS1 14:28:29    0    1  1.966186297813096E+02   4.65558876E+05
CPASS1 14:28:29    1    2  2.914236365347287E+01   3.57205623E+04
CPASS1 14:28:29    2    3  1.632104430549224E+01   2.31368992E+04
CPASS1 14:28:29    3    4  9.533616934817022E+00   1.25405162E+04
CPASS1 14:28:30    4    5  3.420834828360132E+00   6.19242647E+03
CPASS1 14:28:30    5    7  1.984127962707761E+00   3.16765425E+03
CPASS1 14:28:30    6    9  1.173065015517944E+00   1.40136895E+03
CPASS1 14:28:30    7   12  9.106497011294347E-01   1.03211918E+03
CPASS1 14:28:30    8   15  7.391095128581701E-01   7.50938162E+02
CPASS1 14:28:30    9   20  7.146858997625711E-01   7.77008994E+02
CPASS1 14:28:31   10   24  6.159904826712157E-01   5.47064127E+02
CPASS1 14:28:31   11   28  5.623877705861805E-01   4.70081924E+02
CPASS1 14:28:31   12   32  5.187093803846512E-01   4.04746665E+02
CPASS1 14:28:31   13   37  4.918079740882734E-01   3.47885718E+02
CPASS1 14:28:32   14   44  4.714227149416231E-01   3.40772803E+02
CPASS1 14:28:32   15   50  4.435473384895173E-01   2.82382337E+02
CPASS1 14:28:33   16   55  4.152813617388995E-01   2.20918796E+02
CPASS1 14:28:33   17   60  3.951932704993030E-01   1.75936592E+02
CPASS1 14:28:34   18   67  3.921459758317739E-01   1.93278501E+02
CPASS1 14:28:34   19   74  3.879671400909105E-01   1.95791265E+02
CPASS1 14:28:35   20   80  3.746575093761824E-01   2.10645298E+02
CPASS1 14:28:35   21   87  3.627081917657049E-01   2.30503465E+02
CPASS1 14:28:35   22   94  3.509078520169990E-01   2.14942401E+02
CPASS1 14:28:36   23   99  3.295425050668097E-01   2.03841293E+02
CPASS1 14:28:37   24  104  3.065275984952896E-01   1.92595395E+02
CPASS1 14:28:37 Solving polarization RR, IF channel    2
CPASS1 14:28:37  NIT   NF         F                     GTG
CPASS1 14:28:37    0    1  1.473561164898091E+02   2.93132869E+05
CPASS1 14:28:37    1    2  2.591855549239800E+01   5.01481496E+04
CPASS1 14:28:37    2    3  1.209259443340284E+01   1.85658214E+04
CPASS1 14:28:38    3    4  6.515922766922365E+00   6.84519618E+03
CPASS1 14:28:38    4    5  2.636990580731727E+00   2.05697380E+03
CPASS1 14:28:38    5    9  1.794975567694657E+00   1.93377665E+03
CPASS1 14:28:38    6   12  1.421909872451602E+00   1.75089555E+03
CPASS1 14:28:38    7   15  1.078883570136137E+00   9.91215933E+02
CPASS1 14:28:39    8   18  8.843828957629284E-01   7.08110027E+02
CPASS1 14:28:39    9   23  8.210895601287693E-01   6.66458961E+02
CPASS1 14:28:39   10   27  7.346238064896373E-01   5.12104541E+02
CPASS1 14:28:39   11   32  6.933828194679816E-01   4.87987648E+02
CPASS1 14:28:40   12   38  6.807122286301469E-01   5.02157048E+02
CPASS1 14:28:40   13   43  6.635626774855042E-01   5.54286115E+02
CPASS1 14:28:40   14   48  6.386005027126890E-01   5.40151216E+02
CPASS1 14:28:40   15   53  5.995709645709713E-01   5.48275253E+02
CPASS1 14:28:41   16   59  5.853862337768030E-01   6.40756063E+02
CPASS1 14:28:41   17   64  5.550085655195888E-01   6.29616132E+02
CPASS1 14:28:41   18   71  5.477446141101895E-01   6.95004361E+02
CPASS1 14:28:42   19   75  4.691243757894757E-01   5.72523363E+02
CPASS1 14:28:42   20   80  4.464451635292782E-01   5.85322679E+02
CPASS1 14:28:42   21   86  4.020218128072478E-01   4.85109819E+02
CPASS1 14:28:43   22   90  3.458496020351839E-01   3.80705106E+02
CPASS1 14:28:43   23   96  3.354183834480234E-01   3.62508434E+02
CPASS1 14:28:44   24  102  3.245850348463310E-01   3.31597480E+02
CPASS1 14:28:44 Appears to have ended successfully
CPASS1 14:28:44 rest         31DEC05 TST: Cpu=      32.3  Real=      40

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