[daip] Re: midnight job

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Aug 5 15:58:13 EDT 2005

thyagarajan at astro.rug.nl writes:
 > hi,
 >   i guess i kind of screwed MNJ when i did linux re-install. is there a
 > way to get around that. i am not able to run MNJ with those
 > instructions as user either nithya or root. i might want to get the
 > .cvspass  file just to make sure, if you can put it up as you did earlier.

   You create that file.  The previous message had the method to
create it.  It is a file in the home directory of the user login that
runs the MNJ.  It is in your root login home directory.  It now needs
to be in the home directory of nithya.  The instructions for how to
create a file if it is missing were in the error message that the MNJ
gives you.

 >   another interesting thing is i changed the ownership permissions of the
 > AIPS tree to user:nithya and group:aipsusers by logging in as root. i run
 > aips as nithya and enter AIPS user ID number 295. then if i run aips as
 > root with the same id number 295, the persmissions for that one file SG* e
 > in the data area created in that instance are changed to root. so when
 > when i went back to nithya again, i got that permission denied problem
 > again. so, is "one AIPS user ID number for one user
 > login/account" the idea behind this? can't i login in different accounts
 > but use the same AIPS user ID number? i thought it should be possile but
 > ... or am i not understanding this correctly? well, if i am right, i guess
 > i have no choice but to live with it.

     When you log in as root and run and exit, aips saves the LASTEXIT
save/get file with the permissions of the root account.  That is
usually allowing even read only to itself.  Therefore nithya login can
no longer read and esp re-write it which it will need to do.  Multiple
logins can share data so long as their default file creation
privileges allow group read/write and all belong to the same group.
root is special and cannot set its default privileges to this.

 >   although i haven't checked if AIPS works properly with data (because i
 > have no data right now), i guess it is working fine except for that MNJ
 > and this permission issues. normally,  i wouldn't have cared if AIPS
 > worked properly except probably for that MNJ, but since i am havng it on
 > my personal laptop, i want everything to work at its best. is this
 > possible without running the binary install of install.pl? i still regret
 > my carelessness while re-installing but i plead you once again for help in
 > this regard and also some information about these permission issues.

I do not understand this question.  If it is installed on a desktop
and you need it on a laptop, you will need to do another install.

To test the TV, run the MANDL program.  Then do TVALL on the image it
produces.  No data are required.

Eric Greisen

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