[daip] AIPS: solaris vs. redhat

Skinner Steve skinners at mambo.Colorado.EDU
Sun Oct 31 12:34:56 EST 2004

  Dear AIPS specialists:

  I am currently running AIPS (not AIPS++) on
  a SunBlade workstation using Solaris. I have
  some calibrated VLA data files (.uvsrt) and
  cleaned images (.icln) files on the Sun.

  I will soon be replacing my Sun workstation
  with a Dell Precision 370n PC running RedHat
  Linux (RedHat Enterprise WS 3.0).
  We will attempt to install AIPS under
  Linux. The actual AIPS install will likely
  be on our Linux server (RedHat Enterprise WS 3.0)
  and I will attempt to run AIPS from my
  Dell 370n client (.... we dont know yet if this
  will work - hopefully it will).

  Assuming we can get AIPS running under RedHat,
  will it be possible to transfer my Sun Solaris
  AIPS files over to the RedHat system, and read
  these files into the RedHat version of AIPS
  and then manipulate them with AIPS without
  recalibrating from the raw data?


  1. Will I be able to transfer clean map
     files (.ICLN) that were generated under
     SunSolaris onto the RedHat LInux machine,
     read these into AIPS on the Linux machine,
     and make flux and/or position measurements
     off of the .ICLN files using the RedHat
     version of AIPS?

  2. Will I be able to copy sorted UV files
     (.UVSRT) from SunSolaris onto the RedHat
     Linux machine, read these into AIPS under
     RedHat, and generate new cleaned images from
     them using AIPS under RedHat?

  .... or (worst case scenario)

  3. Are the existing .UVSRT and .ICLN files
     that were generated using AIPS on the
     SunSolaris machine going to be incompatible
     with the AIPS RedHat version?

    Thanks for the clarification.

    Steve Skinner

     *                                                     *
     *  Steve Skinner                                      *
     *                                                     *
     *  Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA) *
     *  389 UCB                                            *
     *  University of Colorado                             *
     *  Boulder, CO 80309-0389 USA                         *
     *                                                     *
     *  Tel.    303-492-4202                               *
     *  Fax.    303-492-4052                               *
     *  E-mail  skinners at casa.colorado.edu                 *
     *  Web:    http://casa.colorado.edu                   *
     *                                                     *

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