[daip] Re: Tsys vs Ta in EDITA, SNPLT

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Nov 26 12:10:25 EST 2004

papadop at phys.ethz.ch writes:
 > Hi Eric,
 > In the task EDITA it says that if you insert the table 'TY" it will plot 
 > the Tant columns if they are
 > valid, or the Tsys columns otherwise.
 > In SNPLT if tou tell it to plot OPTYPE: Tant, it of cource gives the 
 > same values, but if you tell it
 > OPTYPE: Tsys, it plots some ridiculously small values (e.g 300 mili Kelvin).
 > I noticed that the T's plotted by EDITA (or SNPLT when OPTYPE: Tant) are 
 > similar to the
 > values mentioned in the VLA manual for *Tsys* expected for this band.
 > This begs the question, what is then plotted by SNPLT when OPTYPE:Tsys ???
 > (I suspect what is called antenna temp by these tasks is really the Tsys 
 > per antenna)

The two numbers are proportional to each other, the smaller ones are
actually what scale the data.  For that reason we keep both although
we know the Tsys ones to be nuts.  Note that none of these numbers are
fully calibrated.

Eric Greisen

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