[daip] tasav and pl files

Lorant Sjouwerman, NRAO lsjouwer at aoc.nrao.edu
Sat Mar 20 12:17:08 EST 2004


A while ago you modified TASAV to also save/copy PL files. Is it also
possible to control this with a switch (eg PLVER=0 no, PLVER=1 yes, do copy
PL files) so that the user can determine whether the PL files should be
saved or not (which differs per person's preferences).
Anyway, just a thought


Loránt Sjouwerman - Scientific Services - lsjouwerman at aoc.nrao.edu
c/o NRAO Array Operations Center       Phone:  +1-505-835-7332
    P.O. Box 0 (1003 Lopezville Rd)    Switch: +1-505-835-7000
    Socorro NM 87801                   Fax:    +1-505-835-7027

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