[daip] Installation of AIPS

Volker Heesen heesen at astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Mar 5 05:35:13 EST 2004

Dear people from NRAO,

I would like to install AIPS on my local Linux-Machine. However I've
encountered some problems (nothing else I expected). Could you please give
me some hints, what I've to do, to get a proper installation.

That's what I've done up to now:
- run the installation wizard
- installed the gcc-compiler 2.95 in /usr/local
- changed colour depht from 16bit to 24bit
- changed the /etc/services file
- assinged AIPS_MSG_EMULATOR & AIPS_TEK_EMULATOR to my local terminal
emulator "konsole" (Bash)

Current state:
- TV shows up
- TEKSRV & MSGSRV shows up
- Typing in any commands in TEKSRV & MSGSRV doesn't work. They seem to be
- typing in commands in the command line doesn't work either. I prompts
with: "AIPS 1: Enter user ID number"

Question: Where I actually have to type in the AIPS-commands?

I have attached the history of AIPS in the command line. Maybe that gives
you a hint, whats wrong.

I hope, you can help me with that.

Thanks in advance
and best regards,

Volker Heesen

Dipl.-Phys. Volker Heesen	Phone:+49-(0)234-32-23448
Astronomisches Institut 	Fax:+49-(0)234-3214-169
Ruhr-Universität Bochum		Mailto:heesen at astro.rub.de
D-44780 Bochum / Germany	Internet:www.astro.rub.de
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