[daip] Re: forwarded message

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 4 10:56:00 EDT 2004

 > Dear sir,
 > I have tried the two methods you provided, but also failed. In fact, I have intalled the software aips for 
 > many times, such a problem was  met for the first time yet. I guess that the computer itself causes the
 > problem for the sake of mainboard with a video card in it. In fact when the linux was installed, it showed visual problem. Later I adjusted one CMOS parameter: 'Onboard Video Buffer'. The original
 > value is 1 MB. When I changed it to 8 MB, the visual problem was then solved. However, this parameter only provides two options: 1MB and 8 MB. Is it possible that it is the different 
 > connection way between memory and video memory that leads to the problem. Even if so I have
 > no idea how to solve it. An alternative possibility I thought of is the fedora system which causes this 
 > problem, but it is almost impossible. In addition none of the three window icons is shown both in panel and in desktop while the terminal icons can be seen on the panel. According to the above information, would you please give me any suggestion? Thank you very much. 
 > Sincerely yours
 > Chen Yongjun

The MSGSRV and TEKSRV should produce xterms which reallymust be
visible as icons or windows if normal xterms are.  XAS makes a special
window and so might have different troubles.  Read the aips help files
for XAS and MSGSRV and TEKSRV - they refer to different types of
windows which may be used (xterm is only the default for the latter
2).  XAS does things like shared memory and TrueColor by default.  The
windows needed for that can be > 8 Mbyte.  Try setting the .Xdefaults
parameters for the XAS to pseudo color and perhaps turn off the shared
memory.  This might help.  Put the lines

AIPStv*useTrueColor:      0
AIPStv*useSharedMemory:   0

in ~/.Xdefaults.  Then 

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

To really test the TEK case, make a plot file by running say CNTR on
an image (if you have no images run MANDL to make one) with DOTV=-1,
then run TKPL on the plot file.  In working systems this pops up a 2nd
TEK window which is visible while the first TEK window stays as an

My ~/.Xdefaults has all of the following

! AIPS: AIPStv for XAS, AIPSmsg for MSGSRV, AIPStek for TEKSRV.
AIPStv*useSharedMemory: 1
! lower this next one if you don't like virtual colourmaps
AIPStv*maxGreyLevel:    199
AIPStv*xPixels:        1270
AIPStv*yPixels:         924
AIPStv*geometry:        518x518-152+75
AIPStv*iconGeometry:   +70+0
AIPStv*cursorShape:     30
AIPStv*cursorR:        255
AIPStv*cursorG:          0
AIPStv*cursorB:        255
! custom overlay colours
AIPStv*graphics1R:     255
AIPStv*graphics1G:     255
AIPStv*graphics1B:       0
AIPStv*graphics2R:      16
AIPStv*graphics2G:     255
AIPStv*graphics2B:       0
AIPStv*graphics3R:     255
AIPStv*graphics3G:     171
AIPStv*graphics3B:     255
AIPStv*graphics4R:       0
AIPStv*graphics4G:     255
AIPStv*graphics4B:     255
AIPStv*graphics5R:     255
AIPStv*graphics5G:      45
AIPStv*graphics5B:      45
AIPStv*graphics6R:     153
AIPStv*graphics6G:     153
AIPStv*graphics6B:     255
AIPStv*graphics7R:     255
AIPStv*graphics7G:     204
AIPStv*graphics7B:     102
AIPStv*graphics8R:       0
AIPStv*graphics8G:       0
AIPStv*graphics8B:       0
AIPStv*maxCommDelay:     16384
AIPStv*useTrueColor:          1
! Message Server
AIPSmsg*background: maroon
AIPSmsg*foreground: bisque
AIPSmsg.vt100.geometry: 81x24-153-0
AIPSmsg*iconGeometry: +140+0
AIPSmsg*iconName: MSGSERV
AIPSmsg*pointercolor: red
AIPSmsg*saveLines: 500
AIPSmsg*scrollBar: True
AIPSmsg*tekInhibit: True
! TEK server
AIPStek*background: navyblue
AIPStek*foreground: yellow
AIPStek*scrollBar: off
AIPStek*iconGeometry:    +180+0
AIPStek*iconName:	 TEKSERV
AIPStek*pointercolor:	 red
AIPStek*tekGeometry:     604x456

I have no other ideas.

Eric Greisen

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