[daip] array precision

P.E. Robinson probinson at astro.umn.edu
Wed Jul 14 12:19:29 EDT 2004

Designated Aips,

I've hit a bit of a roadblock while writing an AIPS procedure to do
factorial calculations.  It seems arrays declared in a procedure are in
floating precision, which cannot handle the stupidly large numbers that
the factorial loop wants to give me.  I would like to declare my arrays as
double precision to handle the big numbers...but haven't figured out how
to do this yet...

The Cookbook and APROPO weren't forthcoming on this, which is why I'm
bugging you.  Any ideas?

~Paul E. Robinson~

********************** Good Guys Eat Pie **********************
* Paul E. Robinson                                            *
* University of Minnesota                                     *
* Department of Astronomy                                     *
* 116 Church St. SE                                           *
* Minneapolis, MN 55455                                       *
* Office: 612-624-2561 (Tate Physics, Rm. 469B)               *
* Web:  http://www.astro.umn.edu/~probinson                   *

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