[daip] AIPS installation

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Feb 26 11:08:04 EST 2004

jkainula at astro.helsinki.fi writes:

 >  I've installed (succesfully as I understand) version 31DEC04 of AIPS to my
 > computer using binary installation via FTP. The problem is that despite all
 > instructions applied and modifictions made, the TV window doesn't appear when
 > starting AIPS. The TEKSERV and MSGSRV windows open normally.

     I am still curious about your "binary" installation of 31DEC04.
Do you mean you copied the tar ball (in binary) and then ran
install.pl to build and compile all the code?  That is really all that
is available for 31DEC04.  For 31DEC03, one can copy the libraries and
executable load modules from our ftp site which is what we call a
"binary" installation.  Note that the local compile option is usually
faster and is the only well-tested route.

 > START_AIPS: I am GUESSING you are at a workstation called localhost
 > START_AIPS:  - but have chosen to run the TV locally on LOCALHOST

     These messages looked odd to me but it turns out they are
normal in the case of a unix socket TV (=local).

 > START_AIPS: Starting TV servers on localhost asynchronously
 > START_AIPS:  - WITH Unix Sockets as requested...
 > START_AIPS: Assuming TPMON daemons are running or not used (you said TPOK)
 > Starting up 31DEC04 AIPS with normal priority
 > UNIXSERVERS: Start TV LOCK daemon TVSRV1 on localhost
 > UNIXSERVERS: Start XAS1 on localhost, DISPLAY :0.0
 > TVSERVER: Starting AIPS TV locking, Unix (local) domain

    Normally here one starts to hear from XAS - e.g.

XAS: ** TrueColor FOUND!!! 
XAS: ***  Using shared memory option for speed ***
XAS: Using screen width height 1270 924, max grey level 255

    My guess is that your XAS did not build properly.

source LOGIN.CSH   (or . LOGIN.SH)
make clean

and tell me what it says.

Eric Greisen

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