[daip] latest AIPS

Victor Migenes vmigenes at astro.ugto.mx
Fri Feb 13 10:17:04 EST 2004

Hi Ernie, 

	I seem to have some problems with the installation 
	of the latest AIPS (SUL).  It is requesting the 
	libF77.so.4 library which we dont have. We only have 
	the libF77.so.3 version.  I tried to trick the aips 
	installation but it did not work. I have contacted 
	a few collegues in Mexico requesting to borrow their 
	*.4 version but apparently we only have the *.3 in 
	Mexico!  Do you have access to a copy of the *.4 
	version you could send me via email? I just want to 
	check that this is the only problem I am having but 
	everything is stuck at this point.  The library should 
	be in the /opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/lib directory. If you 
	can help I would really appreciate it! 
+- Dr. Victor Migenes                  Telephone: +52 (473) 732-9607 -+
|  University of Guanajuato            Facsimile: +52 (473) 732-0253  |
|  Department of Astronomy                                            |
|  Apdo. Postal 144                                                   |
|  Guanajuato, CP36000                                                |
|  Mexico                                                             |
+- email: vmigenes at astro.ugto.mx                                     -+

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