[daip] pn3db

Data Analysts analysts at aoc.nrao.edu
Thu Aug 12 17:09:29 EDT 2004

Hi Eric,

PN3DB is complaining:

>inp pn3db
AIPS 2: Found in Version=LOCALAOC
AIPS 2: PN3DB:  Proc runs CALIB/PN3PL/LWPLA to compute & plot PN3DB data
AIPS 2: Adverbs     Values                 Comments
AIPS 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------
AIPS 2: INNAME     'PN3DB.040811'          UV data (name).
AIPS 2: INCLASS    'X BAND'                UV data (class).
AIPS 2: INSEQ         1                    UV data (seq. #).  0 => high
AIPS 2: INDISK        1                    Disk unit #.  0 => any
AIPS 2: DOTWO         1                    > 0 -> fit slope too
AIPS 2: PIXRANGE      0           0        Range to plot: 0 => self
AIPS 2:                                    scale each antenna separately
AIPS 2: NPLOTS        5                    Number of plots per page
AIPS 2: OUTFILE    '                                                '
AIPS 2:                                    Report file
AIPS 2: DOCOLOR       0                    Do color plots (if > 0)
AIPS 2: Found in Version=LOCALAOC


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