[daip] CLCAL

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Fri Oct 24 16:57:17 EDT 2003

Michael Bietenholz writes:
 > 1) You should put at least a few warnings into the .HLP file since a
 > couple of important adverbs changed between 01May2003 and 18July2003,
 > ie. running CLCAL with INTERP='BOX', INTPARM=1, now produces a
 > different result than it used to.  Frequent users like me may well
 > set the adverbs without looking at the HLP file in any detail, since
 > we (think we) know them.

     The substantial change in the adverbs should have allerted you to
the fact that things changed.  It did for most users.  the old program
did a bunch of things wrong - I suppose I could have left it anyway.
Many old time users have complained that I fixed it.

 > 2) I'm not sure that SAMPTYP='BOX' (in the 18July2003) version works -
 > I can't get it to produce a CL table any different than if I leave
 > SAMPTYP blank, regardless of the setting of BPARM.  Should I get a newer
 > version than 18July2003?

      What is you setting of DOBLANK?  If it is > 0, then smoothing is
only used to replace failed solutions.

      You realy should run the MNJ once a week or so...

 > 3) Is there a log somewhere of the changes that are made to 31DEC2003
 > for the curious?  It would be useful to be able to check what has
 > changed since your last version of 31DEC2003.

There are several ways to get at this - CHANGE.DOC in $HIST is the
main documentation.  There is even a web tool that will access this
for you.

Eric Greisen

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