[daip] Mac OS X AIPS install crash

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Sun Nov 30 13:28:11 EST 2003

We will look into this more - you have been strcuk with the infamous
restFP saveFP bug shipped by FINK and/or Apple.  The compilers insist
on making references to these save and restore frame pointer routines
but no library contains anything to resolve these routines.  In AIPS
we have set our compiler options so that we make no direct references
to these routines.  Unfortunately, we depend on readline from GNU and
that builds with these bad calls in it.  I do not understand why you
and at least one other site have this problem and yet in our now
multiple Macs we do not nor do other outside folks.

I guess we should get a new READLINE.SHR and set it up to make
properly on Macs.

Eric Greisen

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