Patrick P Murphy pmurphy at nrao.edu
Mon May 26 10:42:32 EDT 2003

It's a holiday here in the US today (Memorial day) so Eric and others
may not be accessible.  I may be able to offer some advice from the
sidelines, however.

On Mon, 26 May 2003 14:51:44 +0200, Hiroshi IMAI <imai at jive.nl> said:

> ZLOCK: No locks available
> ZERROR: IN ZDAOPN ERRND = 37 (No locks available)

Is your $TSTMEM area ($AIPS_VERSION/$ARCH/MEMORY) on a NFS-mounted file
system?  If so, is it possible to do fcntl()-style file locking on files
on that partition?  These are system questions, clearly.  There is a
utility/diagnostic program in $SYSUNIX called WHOLOCKED.C that may help
(it needs copied to wholocked.c and compiled before you can run it).

I suspect file locking is the root of the problem.  When we had this
message appear on our systems years ago, it was usually because one of
the NFS daemons on either the client or the server was misbehaving or
not running.  Generally there are two daemons: statd and lockd, though
they may be called rpc.statd or rpc.lockd instead.

> To understand these messages, we have made some trials, e.g.
> exchange START_AIPS and MED000000; to the older version files,

That won't help if NFS file locking is not working.

> We would like to understand what happend and
> to which AIPS complains only in the LINUX machine.

Ah.  What version of Linux, and are you running these:


(on my Red Hat 8.0 system, a "chkconfig --list" shows many services,
including these three; portmap is its own RPM and the other two are in
the nfs-utils RPM).

Hope this helps.
				- Pat
   Patrick P. Murphy, Ph.D.              Division Head, CV Computing, NRAO
   Home: http://goof.com/~pmurphy/       Work: http://www.nrao.edu/~pmurphy/
"Laws of nature are...just parochial by-laws in our cosmic patch" - Martin Rees

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