[daip] merging uv dat sets

Eric Greisen egreisen at aoc.nrao.edu
Mon Jun 30 17:53:15 EDT 2003

Jon Mauerhan writes:

 > I have separate single source .UVF files for each polarization and frequency 
 > band for a single source (four .UVF files per source). Using UVLOD or FITLD I am 
 > unable to merge all files into a single UVDATA set. I would like to merge the 
 > polarizations and frequencies into a single UVDATA set so that I can make a map 
 > of of the source that represents both frequency bands and polarizations. Can you 
 > please help? Thanks.

The usual task to concatenate data sets is DBCON.  But that may not be
appropriate to your data.  I might be able to answer this question
better if you were to show me the headers (verb IMHEADER) from the 4
data sets.  Also, when you say image both frequency bands and
polarizations together - do you want to make a single continuum Ipol

Eric Greisen

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