[daip] Re: FILLM (p.s.)

Michael Rupen mrupen at aoc.nrao.edu
Sun Jan 19 13:04:09 EST 2003

I tried TGET FILLM ; VLAOBS '' ; GO FILLM just after aborting the FILLM
that failed as described in my last e-mail.  As expected, I immediately start
loading data without any difficulty.

And yes, the name of my program in the OBS. file was indeed AR508:
/.AR508   213                                                                   
//* *** 
//* *** NRAO VLA Observe Program,  Version U4.0.6, 2000.07.11
//* *** 
//* *** Observation day 59,373 at 20 30 00 LST, 2003.01.18 12:49:14 MST.
//* *** 


   I'll let you know if using off-line FILLM with the same inputs does
NOT find the data.  Past experience says that it will work fine.



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