[daip] PASSWD

Nectaria Gizani ngizani at astro.noa.gr
Wed Dec 3 06:54:12 EST 2003


I have just installed succesfully aips (!) under Redhat LINUX 9.0.

A "simple" question: Why does aips need a PASSWD? To explain more, the
problem is the following:
I type:

$ START_AIPS tv=local

aips writes its messages....

and asks for ID number, where I put "1" and then asks for a password,
which is not the password of me as a user or of the root user.

I would appreciate your help!

Many thanks in advance,

Nectaria Gizani


Dr. Nectaria A.B. Gizani,

Astronomical Institute,
National Observatory of Athens,
I. Metaxa & B. Pavlou,
Lofos Koufou,                                      \
Palaia Penteli,                                     )
15236 Athens                                    ___/O
Greece                                             /_\       
						  A   A

mobile no: +30-697-2709435                           
fax no:    +30-210-8040453                                                        
email:  ngizani at astro.noa.gr            )                                      
              or                    ___/O                                 
        ng at jb.man.ac.uk                /_\                              
                                      A   A                               

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