[daip] Re: DELZN, CLCOR suggestions

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Aug 22 17:24:45 EDT 2003


 > 1) One really needs a way to edit out bad data.  
 >    I'm analyzing a data set that has a few discrepant
 >    points and they totally control the fits.
 >    I suggest iterating and down-weighting discrepant
 >    points.  I can send you more information if you
 >    want on how I go about this.

I thought about that and came to conclussion that it should be done outside 
of the DELZN using SNEDT for example.
Let me think about that more.

  >2) Since the choice of a reference antenna is really
  >   unimportant, it would be nice for all printout 
  >   to treat the reference antenna as just another
  >   antenna.

It is in DELZN already if there is more than one reference antenna.
The plots for reference antenna are created only if one reference antenna 
is used for all data.

  >3) I don't see how OPTY='PHAS" can be useful. 
  >   Basically that must assume that all delays are
  >   smaller than light travel over 1/2 a wavelength.
  >   This will probably never happen.  The risk of
  >   having this option is that someone will use it 
  >   and get solutions that are wrong.

I agree. I'll remove this option.

  >4) It would be nice to get the OUTFILE without
  >   having to generate a CL-table.

There is some logic relation of OUTFILE and CL table in DELZN.
I'll change this


>   1) One very useful option for CLCOR would be to
>      add a CALSOUR parameter.  This would indicate
>      the phase reference source for phase-referenced
>      observations.  When CALSOUR(1) is specified,
>      the corrections should be those for the source
>      observed, SOURCE(n), minus those for CALSOUR(1).
>      Currently, one must apply the full corrections
>      to all sources, then re-FRING the CALSOUR, and
>      then apply the phases to the SOURCES.

Do you mean to add ADVERB CALSOUR for any CLCOR's option or only ATMO?


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