[daip] XGAUS

Ylva Pihlstroem ypihlstr at aoc.nrao.edu
Thu Aug 7 18:09:48 EDT 2003


I was hoping to get some help with XGAUS, since I've had some problems.

I am trying to fit 3 gaussians to an emission line. It works fine using
input values of GPOS etc, but if RETR is selected in order to enter new
guesses, it usually only takes into account 2 of the 3 gaussians in the
following fits. Sometimes it skips the first one though, and to me it
seems like the task is not reading in the cursor values properly.

Also, it does not work if velocity is on the input axis. However, doing an 
ALTSW into frequency makes it work.


Ylva Pihlström, NRAO                    email: ypihlstr at nrao.edu
P.O. Box O, Socorro, NM 87801, USA      phone: +1 505 835 7387

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