[daip] No TV window

Yosi Gelfand jgelfand at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Sep 12 12:15:08 EDT 2002

	When I try to run AIPS I get the following messages:
TVDEVS.SH: Starting TV servers on atavistic asynchronously
TVDEVS.SH:  - with Internet Sockets...
TVDEVS.SH: Starting TPMON daemons on ATAVISTIC asynchronously...
Starting up 31DEC02 AIPS with normal priority
Begin the one true AIPS number 1 (release of 31DEC02) at priority =   0
AIPS 1: You are assigned TV device/server   1
AIPS 1: You are assigned graphics device/server   1
AIPS 1: Enter user ID number
?XASERVERS: Start TV LOCK daemon TVSERV on atavistic
TVSERVER: Starting AIPS TV locking, Inet domain
XASERVERS: Start XAS on atavistic, DISPLAY :0
XAS: ***********************************
XAS: **  depth = 24 > 8!XAS: **  Sorry, must limit to 8
XAS: ***********************************
XAS: No pseudocolor visual - No suitable visual: No such file or directory
XASERVERS: Start graphics server TEKSRV on atavistic, DISPLAY :0

and no tv window appears.  I've tried rebooting, starting AIPS with
tv=local:m as well as tv=local:# where # is various integers, removing all
files in $LOAD of the form XAS1,XAS2,...,XASA, and removing all my lock
files in /tmp.  When I run AIPS as root it's fine.  This problem started
this week though I haven't changed any system preferences... I'm running
the most recent release of AIPS on a Linux machine on RedHat v7.2.  When I
run aips as root, using the same AIPS number, the TV window works fine...

Thank you very much -- Yosi

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