[daip] MNJ

Andrzej Marecki amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
Fri Nov 22 11:17:50 EST 2002

> If Poland changes to and from summer-time/daylight-savings-time on exactly
> the same day and time (2am) as the US, this is almost completely true.  On
> the night that the time rolls back/forward, for at least 7 hours, Poland
> would be an extra hour ahead or behind.  So it might be better to aim for
> 7:15am your time.

Well, in my case the problem is theoretical because my crontab reads:

15 6 * * 2-6 /aips/do_daily.hevelius

This means I don't run MNJ on Sundays when changes to and from DST
happen. But if I did the the problem would happen only once a year (in


P.S. Do you update AIPS on weekends? I can't believe it! ;-) That's why
to me it hardly seems worthwhile to run MNJ on Sunday and Monday mornings.


Andrzej Marecki                | 
Torun Centre for Astronomy     |   e-mail: amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
N. Copernicus University       |   WWW:    http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl
ul. Gagarina 11                |   tel: +48 56 6113032
PL-87-100 Torun, POLAND        |   fax: +48 56 6113009

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