[daip] MNJ

Andrzej Marecki amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
Thu Nov 21 11:18:03 EST 2002

> mnj.aoc.nrao.edu rolls up its version at approximately 05 hours UT
> yesterday it was 050321 to be exact.  Actually we do it at about 10 pm
> local time which is 05 UT in winter and 04 in summer.  Running your
> MNJ any time after that until the next day gets you the same thing.

Aaaah, I see. That means running MNJ at, say, 06:15 am our local time
(which is 8h ahead the AOC local time both summer and winter) would lead
to getting everything up-to-date at earliest possible convenience.

So, finally, one quick question. Yesterday MNJ had nothing to update so
it ended quickly on mnj.aoc.nrao.edu (05:03:21 UT, as you said).
Now assume there are lots of COMLNKs to be done at a given day (like on
October 24th when a change in SHISIN.FOR forced a re-compilation of many
tasks). Every machine, including mnj.aoc.nrao.edu - obviously - works
longer then. Is it safer not to start MNJ before mnj.aoc.nrao.edu
assumedly ends all the COMLNKs? In brief: maybe it's better *not* to
initialize MNJ earlier than, say, 11pm AOC time i.e. 7am our time....

Andrzej Marecki                | 
Torun Centre for Astronomy     |   e-mail: amr at astro.uni.torun.pl
N. Copernicus University       |   WWW:    http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl
ul. Gagarina 11                |   tel: +48 56 6113032
PL-87-100 Torun, POLAND        |   fax: +48 56 6113009

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