[daip] task suggestions

David A. Boboltz dboboltz at usno.navy.mil
Wed May 8 14:47:25 EDT 2002


I know the aips group probably has way too much work to do already, but
I just thought I'd pass along a couple of suggestions for minor changes to
tasks in AIPS that would be helpful to me and possibly other spectral line

Dave Boboltz

Task:  SAD

Right now, I run SAD in a loop over channels.  I use IMSTAT to make an
estimate of the off-source noise in the corner of the image, then I take
this estimate and multiply it (maybe by 8 to 10) and use this to set CPARM
and DPARM.   The SAD now seems to provide a better estimate of
the off-source noise than my crude use of IMSTAT, and uses this to
set CUTOFF (which seems to be permanently set at 3*off-source noise).
It would be nice if either the off-source noise estimator could be available
in a separate task (maybe it is and I haven't found it yet), so that the 
could be fed to SAD to set CPARM and DPARM, or if there could
be a multiplier parameter added to SAD so that the user could set CPARM
and DPARM to some multiple of the off-source noise (other than 3).

Task:  MFPRT

I modified a private version of MFPRT so that it prints out the error 
in the MF table generated by SAD.   It would be helpful if MFPRT had a
parameter similar to BOX in PRTAB which allows the user to choose the
columns to print out.

 | Dr. David A. Boboltz          Phone:  202-762-1488           |
 | U.S. Naval Observatory          FAX:  202-762-1514           |
 | 3450 Massachusetts Ave, NW   e-mail:  dboboltz at usno.navy.mil |
 | Washington, DC  20392-5420                                   |

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