[daip] secure shell key for midnight job?

Patrick P Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Fri Mar 15 15:55:05 EST 2002

I'm no longer in the aips group, but noticed this item:

> c) I executed MAKE.MNJ and added the suggested cron entry into /etc/crontab

That's not the way to make cron jobs.  Not only that but the resulting job
will run as root and likely mess up all sorts of file ownership and

Assuming this is a Linux machine that has Vixie cron installed, you should
do this from the account (NOT ROOT!!) that will run the MNJ:

    crontab -e

This will bring up your specified editor (assuming you have specified one
in the VISUAL or EDITOR environmenb variables) and allow you to enter an
account-specific cron entry.

If your system has a file /etc/cron.allow, then the account you're running
from (aips or whatever) needs to be listed in it.  If there is a cron.deny
file in /etc/, you of course must *not* be listed in it to be allowed to
run cron.

				- Pat

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