Gustaaf Van Moorsel gvanmoor at nrao.edu
Thu Dec 12 16:46:28 EST 2002

Dear designated AIP,

When I copied the values in the RESTFREQ help file to
specify the HI line I got a wrong result. The reason is
that in RESTREQ.HLP the first element in the array is in
terms of E6 instead of E9.


Use:  To specify the spectral-line rest frequency in Hertz.
       RESTFREQ is an array to allow greater precision in the
       specified value.  The rest frequency is taken to be
       RESTFREQ(1) + RESTFREQ(2) with both values converted to
       double precision before adding.  For example, the
=>    frequency 1.420405752E6 is too precise for a single
=>    adverb.  However, RESTFREQ = 1.4204E6, 5752. will convey
       the desired value correctly.  NOTE, if RESTFREQ(1) =
       RESTFREQ(2), then the rest frequency is taken to be just

I wonder how long this has been there ...


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