[daip] install problem

David A. Boboltz dboboltz at usno.navy.mil
Tue Apr 9 16:10:09 EDT 2002


I'm trying to install the 31DEC02 version.  The install.pl script stops
giving the following message.

INSTEP2   : /usr/aips/31DEC02/AIPS/SUB/TVVEC.FOR
INSTEP2   : /usr/aips/31DEC02/AIPS/SUB/UINIT.FOR
/usr/aips/31DEC02/SYSTEM/UNIX/PWD: CPWD: command not found
COMRPL    : '@' file    /AIPSUB.LIS
COMRPL    : not found!
COMRPL    : Dies of unnatural causes
INSTEP2   : Failure in $AIPSUB/...
INSTEP2   : compilations.
INSTEP2   : Aborts!    Tue Apr  9 15:54:23 EDT 2002                                                                        

I've checked the directory and there is no CPWD, which seems 
to be why it is bombing out.  There is a CPWD.C file.  

Any idea where I can get CPWD, or what to do next?  I checked 
the 31DEC02 version at the aoc by logging into zia, but there 
doesn't seem to be a CPWD there either.


 | Dr. David A. Boboltz          Phone:  202-762-1488           |
 | U.S. Naval Observatory          FAX:  202-762-1514           |
 | 3450 Massachusetts Ave, NW   e-mail:  dboboltz at usno.navy.mil |
 | Washington, DC  20392-5420                                   |

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