[daip] AIPS install

Hiroko Shinnaga hshinnag at cfa.harvard.edu
Thu Nov 22 17:00:02 EST 2001

Dear Patrick, 

  I try to install AIPS in my computer.  
On the last part of the process, I get 
the following error message; 

INSTEP4    : End of     $YPGNOT/...
INSTEP4    : compiling/linking.
INSTEP4    : Checking .LIS files for completeness...
INSTEP4    : All .LIS files have been completely processed.
INSTEP4    : TPMON hard links made (just 5 for now)
INSTEP4    : Ends   at Wed Nov 21 23:23:00 HST 2001
AipsWiz: That seemed to work.  GREAT!!!!
AipsWiz:  =====> Generate system files via FILAIP/POPSGN...
AipsWiz: This will generate some output, including a copyright (left)
AipsWiz: statement and some prompts, but should end with a 'Done!' if
AipsWiz: everything worked...
Data disk assignments:
  (Using global default file /home/aips/AIPS/DA00/DADEVS.LIST)
HELP!  No Defined data areas!  You can proceed now to run
program FILAIP, but you may see LOTS of complaints about
not being able to access the message file.  If you think
there should have been some data areas defined, please
check DADEVS.LIST or .dadevs files, or AIPSASSN.\*
If you want to proceed, enter YES (uppercase) now:
AipsWiz: Error: FILAIP did not work, or there's a missing file!
AipsWiz: Error: This may mean that FILAIP did not work (it should have
AipsWiz: Error: created it and many other files in that area).
AipsWiz: Error: You can try running it by hand after (a) dotting the
AipsWiz: Error: LOGIN.SH file or sourcing the LOGIN.CSH file; and
AipsWiz: Error: (b) Typing 'RUN FILAIP'.  You will then be asked for
AipsWiz: Error: several parameters.  Use
35 -100
8 2
AipsWiz: Error: as the standard values.
AipsWiz: Error: You will also have to RUN POPSGN if that works;
AipsWiz: Error: Feed it
AipsWiz: Error: when it asks for Idebug, etc. and press RETURN when
AipsWiz: Error: you see the '>' prompt.
AipsWiz: Install Wizard stopping.  Current settings saved in ~/.AIPSRC
AipsWiz: Abandoning ship!  Goodbye.

  I have defined data areas, which was succsessfully 
created at 
/home/aips/AIPS/DATA/HS_3 . 

  Could you please let me know how to fix the 
problem?  Before successful installation of 
midnight job (INSTEP2 and INSTEP4), canno't I  
run FILAIP, POPSGN, SETPAR?  And those three 
are recommended to be installed for using AIPS?  

  I'm waiting for your reply.  Thank you 
for your attention.  



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