[daip] Re: large files

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Tue Nov 20 15:56:59 EST 2001

Joseph Lazio writes:

 > Here's what I'm trying to do.  I have a tape drive connected to a
 > Solaris 2.7 machine (exeter).  I'd like to read a tape containing a
 > FITS file that is large (> 2 GB).
 > There are two disks with enough space, both remote.  One is attached
 > to a Solaris 2.6 machine (sne), the other a Linux kernel 2.4.2-2smp
 > machine (potemkin).
 > I have two questions.  
 > 1.  You told me that the new CCOPT.SH should enable large file
 > handling.  However, if I create a large file on potemkin (e.g., 'dd
 > if=/dev/null of=JUNK bs=28800 count=300000'), it has real problems
 > with it.  (For instance 'ls' claims the file doesn't exist.)  Is this
 > independent of AIPS support for 2 GB files?

    dd and ls have nothing to do with AIPS.

 > 2.  As far as I can tell, Solaris 2.6 does not handle large files.
 > However, sne is our AIPS server.  Thus, even though exeter can handle
 > large files in principle, because it gets AIPS from sne, I'm worried
 > that the TPMON on exeter is truncating the file.  

     Solaris 2.6 can also handle >2 Gbyte files.  It may have the
same problem in that you probably did not build it to handle the large
files.  The $SYSLOCAL/CCOPTS.SH file must specify the 64-bit option.
Then all C routines must be recompiled (COMRPL) and than all tasks
incl TPMON rebuild.  Note also that we fixed fits disk file handling
to use the 64-bit C code only recently but sne runs the MNJ.

 > (For the record, running FITLD on potemkin, reading from exeter,
 > results in FITLD dying because it cannot get a sufficient number of
 > blocks to create the file.)

Maybe you should send the actual messages.  I think you say above that
exeter has enough disk and then you say here it does not.  I wonder if
you rebuild the system as I told you to.


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