Jim Ulvestad julvesta at aoc.nrao.edu
Tue May 29 17:27:32 EDT 2001

Amy Mioduszewski wrote:
> VLBALOAD automatically sets WTTHRESH to 0.7, it occurs
> to me that it would make the procedure much more general
> to have this as an input (with default to 0.7).  VLBALOAD
> only has 6 inputs as it is and WTTHRESH is not one of
> these obscure inputs (I don't think), so I don't think it
> would hurt the simplicity of the procedure to add it.
> What do you think?
> Amy

I have thought about this in the past.  The thing that
worries me is that there are lots of inputs that we
"could" give people options on, and once we start down
the path of giving too many options, we're right back
to having them run the whole task, which means the
procedures aren't any good.

WTTHRESH seemed to me before like something we could
add without too much trouble, but the novices won't
know what other number to use, and there may be a
lot of things that other people think would be
sensible to leave as a choice.  Then we can get
into trouble.

But if you're going to add it, it might make sense
to have it default to the same thing as FITLD, which
(I think) is 0.8.


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