[daip] IMVIM

Jim Ulvestad julvesta at aoc.nrao.edu
Thu Jun 21 10:53:25 EDT 2001

Hi Jared, sorry for the delayed response.

Jared Helston wrote:
> Jim Ulvestad
> Thank you for your assistance with understanding IMVIM task.
> The plot worked out just fine, except for a couple of
> characteristics.
> First, the y-axis is labled in nano spectral index.  I would
> like to change from a 10^-9 to a 10^1 scale.  I attempted the
> yparm adverb to no avail.  Is there anything else that I
> should try?  I would like to change the y-range to (-1.6, 0.5).

There is no yparm in IMVIM, you should use DPARM(3) and DPARM(4).
The program will autoscale otherwise, and the fact that you
have a label in nanospectral index makes me worry that you
aren't quite plotting what you think.  Are you trying to
plot one spectral index map vs. another, or vs. a total
intensity map, or what?  Try dparm(3)=-0.5;dparm(4)=1.1.

> Second, when the plot appeared on the screen, it did not open
> in a plot window, but rather over an image on the AIPS tv
> screen window.  How can I produce a plot in a different window
> or screen, and manuplate its colours?  How may I save the plot
> for access later?

The plot opens in a TV window if you set DOTV=1.  You can get
rid of what's underneath it by typing TVINIT first.  If you
want to save the plot, use DOTV=-1, which will write a plot
file.  Then you can write this plot file to a printer or a
file using LWPLA, or to the TV using TVPL.

I don't see any obvious options for colors in IMVIM, so I'm
not sure what your intent is when you talk about manipulating
its colors.

> Thank you for your time.  I greatly appreciate it.

You're welcome, I hope this helps.

If you have more questions, please continue to send to daip at nrao.edu.
I will get them that way just as fast as if you address them to me,
and the other group members will see them as well.


Jim Ulvestad
> Sincerely,
> Jared P. Helston

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