[daip] tape mount problem on ohsumi

Bryan Butler bbutler at aoc.nrao.edu
Mon Jan 29 18:04:51 EST 2001

i don't seem to be able to mount the EXAbyte tape drive
on ohsumi:

>inp mount
 AIPS 1: MOUNT:    Verb to software mount a tape
 AIPS 1: Adverbs         Values            Comments
 AIPS 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 AIPS 1: INTAPE        1                    Tape unit # (0=> 1)
 AIPS 1: DENSITY    6250                    Density to set on mount.
 AIPS 1: REMHOST    *all ' '                   Remote computer name
 AIPS 1: REMTAPE       1                    Remote tape drive number
 AIPS 1: ZMOUN2: could not open lock file /AIPS/DA00/OHSUMI/TAPE1.lock
 AIPS 1: ZERROR: IN ZMOUN2 ERRNO = 13 (Permission denied)

hmmmm.  let's see:

ohsumi% pwd
ohsumi% ls -ld DA00
drwxrwsr-x    2 aipsmgr  aipspgmr    4096 Jan 29 15:41 DA00
ohsumi% cd DA00
ohsumi% ls -ld OHSUMI
lrwxr-xr-x    1 aipsmgr  aipspgmr      24 Dec 15 14:29 OHSUMI -> /home/ohsumi/AIPS/OHSUMI

so only aipsmgr can write to /AIPS/DA00/OHSUMI maybe, not aipsuser?


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