[Fwd: [daip] writing a large number of aips files to fits files on disk]

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Fri Feb 23 12:32:39 EST 2001

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 11:11:58 -0500, Ketan Desai <ketan at rentec.com> said:

> If the source and destination machines are both of the same architecture
> and all files by one user are to be moved, you can simply copy over all
> the relevant files from one disk to another. [data + catalog+ task/save,
> etc]

> Requirements are:
> 1) all files belonging to that user must be copied from the source
>    directory. 
> 2) no files belonging to that user should exist on the target directory
>    before the copy.

Yes, this would work, as long as the source and destination architecture
are compatible (i.e., same endian flavour: linux, alpha, axlinux, sol86;
or sol, sul, ibm, hp, hp2, sgi; but not a mixture of these two sets).

> Pat can provide a more correct description of this procedure but
> it will probably simplify the copy procedure.

Basically, you figure out the userid in "extended hex":

  bash$ EHEX 370

(EHEX is in $SYSUNIX, which is in your path if you've sourced the LOGIN.SH
or LOGIN.CSH file).  This tells me that my AIPS userid is 0AA in extended
hex (base 36).  I can then cd to a data area and see all my files:

  bash$ cd /DATA/ORANGUTAN_1
  bash$ ls *.0AA\;
  AND004001.0AA;  CLD00F001.0AA;  MFD00C001.0AA;  SLD002001.0AA;
  AND008001.0AA;  CQD00B001.0AA;  MSD001000.001;  SLD003001.0AA;
  AND00A001.0AA;  CTD00B001.0AA;  MSD010000.010;  SLD003002.0AA;
  AND00B001.0AA;  FGD00B001.0AA;  MSD0AA000.0AA;  SLD003003.0AA;
  AND00F001.0AA;  FGD00B002.0AA;  MSD0RR000.0RR;  SLD00C001.0AA;
  ATD00B001.0AA;  FQD008001.0AA;  MSD1E2000.1E2;  SLD00C002.0AA;
  BPD00B001.0AA;  FQD00B001.0AA;  NXD008001.0AA;  SLD00C003.0AA;
  BPD00B002.0AA;  FQD00F001.0AA;  NXD00B001.0AA;  SND008001.0AA;
  CAD000000.0AA;  GCD00B001.0AA;  NXD00F001.0AA;  SND00B001.0AA;
  CAD000000.1E2;  HID001001.0AA;  PCD00B001.0AA;  SND00B002.0AA;
  CBD001001.0AA;  HID002001.0AA;  PLD001001.0AA;  SND00B003.0AA;
  CBD002001.0AA;  HID003001.0AA;  PLD003001.0AA;  SND00B004.0AA;
  CBD003001.0AA;  HID004001.0AA;  RLD000001.001;  SND00B005.0AA;
  CBD004001.0AA;  HID005001.0AA;  RLD000001.0AA;  SND00B006.0AA;
  CBD005001.0AA;  HID006001.0AA;  RLD000001.0RR;  SPACE
  CBD006001.0AA;  HID007001.0AA;  RLD000002.0AA;  STD00C001.0AA;
  CBD007001.0AA;  HID008001.0AA;  RLD000003.0AA;  STD00C002.0AA;
  CBD008001.0AA;  HID009001.0AA;  SGD001000.001;  SUD008001.0AA;
  CBD009001.0AA;  HID00A001.0AA;  SGD001001.001;  SUD00B001.0AA;
  CBD00A001.0AA;  HID00B001.0AA;  SGD010000.010;  SUD00F001.0AA;
  CBD00B001.0AA;  HID00C001.0AA;  SGD010001.010;  TGD0B4000.0AA;
  CBD00C001.0AA;  HID00D001.0AA;  SGD0AA000.0AA;  TSD001004.001;
  CBD00D001.0AA;  HID00E001.0AA;  SGD0AA001.0AA;  TSD010004.010;
  CBD00E001.0AA;  HID00F001.0AA;  SGD0AA003.0AA;  TSD0AA000.0AA;
  CBD00F001.0AA;  IMD00B001.0AA;  SGD0AA004.0AA;  TSD0RR004.0RR;
  CCD004001.0AA;  MAD001001.0AA;  SGD0AA005.0AA;  TSD1E2004.1E2;
  CCD007001.0AA;  MAD002001.0AA;  SGD0AA006.0AA;  TYD008001.0AA;
  CCD00C001.0AA;  MAD003001.0AA;  SGD0AA007.0AA;  TYD00B001.0AA;
  CLD008001.0AA;  MAD005001.0AA;  SGD0AA008.0AA;  TYD00F001.0AA;
  CLD00B001.0AA;  MAD006001.0AA;  SGD0AA009.0AA;  UVD004001.0AA;
  CLD00B002.0AA;  MAD007001.0AA;  SGD0AA00A.0AA;  UVD008001.0AA;
  CLD00B003.0AA;  MAD009001.0AA;  SGD0AA00B.0AA;  UVD00A001.0AA;
  CLD00B004.0AA;  MAD00C001.0AA;  SGD0AA00C.0AA;  UVD00B001.0AA;
  CLD00B005.0AA;  MAD00D001.0AA;  SGD0RR000.0RR;  UVD00F001.0AA;
  CLD00B006.0AA;  MAD00E001.0AA;  SGD0RR001.0RR;
  CLD00B007.0AA;  MCD00B001.0AA;  SLD001001.0AA;

If I wanted to move these to another machine via NFS:

  bash$ ls /DATA/OTHERSYSTEM_1/*.0AA\;
  ls: /DATA/OTHERSYSTEM_1/*.0AA;: No such file or directory

Good; I don't have any files there.  So let's copy (remember, I'm still in
the first data area):

  bash$ cp *.0AA\; /DATA/OTHERSYSTEM_1/

That's it.  The data are now in both areas.  You can do a similar copy via
scp if the data area is not NFS mounted, e.g.

        scp *.0AA\; othersystem.uchicago.edu:/wherever/DATA_1/

Hope this helps.

				- Pat
  Patrick P. Murphy, Ph.D.                   Division Head, CV Computing, NRAO
  Home: http://www.chien-noir.com/      Work: http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~pmurphy/
  Spam poison:  Argos at backspacedk.com  borax at porkerl.gov  nead at glaresg.edu
   "Linux is Inevitable."  "Why?"  "Because it's alive!" - John MadDog Hall

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