[daip] Problem md5sum

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Tue Dec 18 17:10:39 EST 2001

Michele Pestalozzi writes:

 > I would like to install AIPS on my portable computer (ASUS A1000) where I
 > have SUSE Linux 7.1. Running md5sum on the downloaded version of
 > 31DEC00.tar.gz (got on dec 14th, 08.48 European time) gives me:
 > 51e17d75d13a0d881f79eb48c11d0790
 > which does not match the one on the web.
 > Since you say on the website to contact you before doing anything else...
 > here am I. What's my next step?

When you say the "one on the web" do you mean the file
31DEC00.tar.gz.md5sum dated July 9, 2001 containing

2f340be7620042c01c38829949fe8379  31DEC00.tar.gz

There are two possibilities - your md5sum works differently or the
copy of the tar ball did not work.  Try the copy again - be sure to
specify a BINARY copy, otherwise ftp will add line-feeds to any byte
that matches a carriage return!

Eric Greisen

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