[daip] Unable to start AIPS
John Kenagy
jktheowl at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 18 00:38:20 EST 2001
I've exhausted my resources on the following two problems in starting
The platform is FreeBSD with the Linux emulator enabled. The emulation
is thru the kernel and the libraries and does not use any kind of a
"meta" machine. It will run about 90% of Linux applications. The
15APR99 release of AIPS did run on an older release of FreeBSD but not
on this one. I think the system is tighter with regard to internet
type services due to security concerns than the older releases were.
I registered the 31DEC01 release but am not currently able to fully
compile all of the "Z" routines so I have falle back on a binary
install from CDROM of 15APR99. (I never really used 15APR99 due to
insufficient resource, but it would start cleanly.)
Below find the screen output of a start session and the location of
the two libraries that fail to load.
The two problems are:
1) None of the required services are found though they are listed in
the /etc/services file. I have also tried defining them in inetd.conf
as well. How are they attached to the AIPS processes? Have you had
this type of question come up before? (The Solaris OS is similar to
FreeBSD, NIS in particular though I'm not using that.)
2) Note the two libraries are not being found. How does AIPS know
where to look for these? Do they need to be segregated in a particular
place and how would I point to that place? What other libraries are
Note also the output that the output:
libXext.so.6: ELF file OS ABI invalid
may indicate some difference in compiled code which is
incompatible. Is it possible to obtain a compatible library and place
it in an AIPS only search path?
Any guidance or hints would be appreciated, even a good guess. :-)
Thanks in advance,
John Kenagy
______________________Start Session________________________
You have a choice of 2 printers. These are:
No. [ type ] Description
1. [ PS] lp
2. [ PS] raw
START_AIPS: Enter your choice, or the word QUIT [default is 1]: 1
START_AIPS: Your initial AIPS printer is the lp
START_AIPS: - system name lp, AIPS type PS
START_AIPS: User data area assignments:
(Using global default file /usr2/aips/DA00/DADEVS.LIST)
Disk 1 (1) is /usr2/aips/DATA/BARNOWL_1
Tape assignments:
Tape 1 is REMOTE
Tape 2 is REMOTE
START_AIPS: You seem to be at a workstation called barnowl
TVDEVS.SH: Starting TV servers on barnowl asynchronously
TVDEVS.SH: - with Internet Sockets...
TVDEVS.SH: Starting TPMON daemons on BARNOWL asynchronously...
Starting up 15APR99 AIPS with normal priority
Begin the one true AIPS number 1 (release of 15APR99) at priority = 0
AIPS1: error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared ob
ject file: No such file or directory
aips at barnowl$ XASERVERS: Start TV LOCK daemon TVSERV on barnowl
TVSERVER: could not get ssslock service by name: No such device
TVSERVER: Check your /etc/services or NIS/YP map
XASERVERS: Start XAS on barnowl, DISPLAY :0.0
./XAS: error in loading shared libraries: libXext.so.6: ELF file OS ABI invalid.
XASERVERS: Start graphics server TEKSRV on barnowl, DISPLAY :0.0
XASERVERS: Start message server MSGSRV on barnowl, DISPLAY :0.0
ZVTPO3: tcp/aipsmt0 is not a service
ZVTPO3: check /etc/services or NIS map!
____________________library locations__________________________
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