[daip] Help with USERID problem

Eric Greisen egreisen at NRAO.EDU
Wed Dec 12 11:13:34 EST 2001

Christopher Stockdale writes:

 > I am experiencing some difficulty with my aips account at my local site.  I 
 > was running aips when I experienced some diffiuclty with my OS and was logged 
 > out prematurely while aips was running.  AIPS is primarily installed on a 
 > remote machine (SunOS 5.6) and I run it out on my machine.
 > The specfic problem is that I am unable to access any of the non-TV AIPS 
 > tasks with my userid number from my machine.  If I use another userid number, 
 > I can access aips just fine, I just can't get to my maps and uv data sets.  I 
 > was going to just MOVE things over, but I can only access MOVE from another 
 > USERID and I can't specify the input USERID to access the files.
 > Any ideas or thoughts that might help would be greatly appreciated.  Joe 
 > Lazio (the local AIPS manager) isn't available today, so I am pestering you 
 > guys.  

I need to see some detail - this is just not possible as you describe
it.  The user id number has nothing to do with the tasks - they  run
only if you have privilege to start them butthat is a login/group
thing not an aips id number thing.  There is an adverb USERID, what is
it set to?  Some but not all tasks and verbs use that.  Any when you
say non-TV "tasks" are you including TVLOD as a TV "task" (it is a
verb not task) or only IMAGR, TVFLG, etc which are really tasks?


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