[daip] Bug in PBCOR ?

Cathy Horellou horellou at oso.chalmers.se
Mon Apr 9 03:50:05 EDT 2001

Onsala, April 8, 2001

Dear AIPS experts, 

I think there is a bug in the 31DEC00 version of AIPS that we
have here in Onsala on Linux machines, when one uses PBCOR.   
Strangely, for a channel map of 31 channels, PCBOR will do a 
PB correction for channel 1 and ch 17 only !!!   
I have made a test on an HP machine with the 15OCT99 version, 
and there it works. 

Another problem is that PBCOR seems to need a cube (RA, DEC, FREQ) 
and cannot work on single maps (for instance a MOM0 map). 
This is annoying because if one runs PBCOR *before* running
MOMNT, then the noise varies a lot across the map, and I would
think one should be able to correct for the primary beam in 
the very last stage. If I remember correctly, this worked in 
the past. How should one do now to apply a primary beam 
correction to a single map - is there another task available? 



Cathy Horellou, PhD		     Tel: +46 31 772 5504
Onsala Space Observatory	     Fax: +46 31 772 5590
Chalmers University of Technology    Email: horellou at oso.chalmers.se
S-439 92 Onsala			     Web: http://www.oso.chalmers.se/~horellou

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