[daip] UVSUB

Alastair Stirling a.m.stirling at uclan.ac.uk
Wed Sep 27 06:22:56 EDT 2000

Dear Eric/Pat and other designated aips

I have noticed that in UVSUB there is a comment about the adjective
CMODEL; namely

NOTE: CMETHOD='GRID' does not work correctly for RL
             and LR data; DO NOT USE CMETHOD='GRID' for RL, LR!

I am at present trying to modelfit polarization data and would like to be
able to remove extended structure from the polarised map, before
modelfitting in the brandeis package.

Is there a way to uvsub my list of P and chi clean components (given
by the brandeis package) from the LR and RL polarisation hands?)

If necessary the p, chi clean components can be made into q,u clean
components. But uvsub doesn't seem to like to work on a stokes 'Q' dataset
from split?

Alastair Stirling
University of Central Lancashire, UK

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