[daip] question on fluxing

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Fri Sep 1 16:24:17 EDT 2000

John Keck writes:
 > Hello,
 > I'm trying to integrate the flux density in a very irregularly shaped
 > region of several maps.  I was looking for a task that would add the
 > values of all the pixels in a map that rose above a given threshold, but
 > was unable to find anything.
 > I was thinking that I could write an external program to do the job, but I
 > couldn't find a way to save the flux values of a map to an external file
 > (I'm running under Solaris).  How can I do this?

   The aips task TAFFY is a paraform task which you can copy and
modify very simply to create an image of 0 or map value if map value >
cutoff.  Run IMEAN on the output of this task and direct PRTMSG
(PRTASK 'IMEAN') to an OUTPRINT file.  Paraform tasks are discussed in
chapter 2 of Going AIPS now available from the AIPS WWW page under
documentation.  The subroutines we use for writing text files are
ZTXOPN, ZTXIO, ZTXCLS found in $APLGEN (or below).

Task BLANK might do what a TAFFY clone would do - along with its other

ERic Greisen

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