[daip] data set

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Tue Oct 17 16:23:22 EDT 2000

As Leonia has said, there are a lot of adverbs for VPLOT and tVFLG to
select data and it is hard to diagnose anything from the tiny amount
of information you have provided.  The LISTR output is based on
auxilliary tables (NX, SU, FQ) not the data.  One hopes that they are
related but I suppose there is no guarantee.

Do note that all your data have FREQID = 2, presumably due to the
presence of 8 hours of pointing or whatever scans 1-84 are.    I doubt
that refilling and ftp'ing the data will help.  If you continue to
have problems with the data, please give us enough detail so that we
may help.

Eric Greisen

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