[daip] MNJ

Stephen White white at astro.umd.edu
Thu Nov 30 14:22:08 EST 2000

Dear Pat and Eric,

After several attempts I conclude that I need help getting the midnight job to run.
I have the ssh key in /AIPS/.ssh/mnj, I start a secure shell with ssh-agent tcsh, 
run the "do_daily" script (after fixing the fact that we have $HOST and $ARCH 
defined on our system and the definitions clash if I don't deliberately remove 
them before AIPS defines $ARCH and $HOST). The script runs up to the point where 
it first attempts to copy something from CV, at which point it comes back with an
error. Running the script in verbal mode, I see the following:

UPDCOPYSUB: doing it the hard way
UPDCOPYSUB: ssh -C -q -a -x -i /home/aips/.ssh/mnj mnj.cv.nrao.edu -l aipsmgr /aips1/master/TST/UPDATE/COMRPL.UPD >COMRPL.UPD
File not found or allowed: /aips1/master/TST/UPDATE/COMRPL.UPD
UPDCOPYSUB: mode is 
File not found or allowed: /aips1/master/TST/UPDATE/COMRPL.UPD

So it looks as though I am not being given permission to copy the file: is there
something else needed at your end?


Stephen White

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