[daip] Re: A couple of questions.

Eric Greisen egreisen at cv3.cv.nrao.edu
Mon Nov 20 17:10:18 EST 2000

Andrea Tarchi writes:

 > Mainly we had to set the DISPLAY before running AIPS, otherwise no TV was
 > provided (first strange thing).  

       The deafault in the aips startup proc is to go to $DISPLAY.  If
that is not set then how is it to know where to go?  This is not a

 > Then it is not possible any longer to call a TV from another machine
 > running AIPS (eg. tv=tvdisp:tvhost, with tvdisp taken from a machine
 > different from the host)...this could be only a difference in the new
 > version.

    It is most certainly possible to do this.  Please provide ALL the
messages that occur when you try this and perhaps I can suggest what
is going wrong.

 > Then I decided to use tv=local:n; trying different n, AIPS was opening
 > more TVs (great), but when I logged out and someone else wanted to run
 > AIPS on the same machine, but from a different terminal than mine, and
 > asking tv=local:n, AIPS was complaining that the UNIX Socket were all
 > taken, and they were taken by my terminal...like reserved, and forever.
 > In fact they were not released not even after rebooting my machine, or
 > the one on which AIPS runs.
 > In conclusion, we have two machines running AIPS and we need more than one
 > AIPS TV on each machine (we are 6 users), but it seems that the additional
 > one are all taken by my machine. Furthermore the default AIPS TVs are
 > incredibly slow.

     The slowness comes from doing the display across a network from
some other machine.  You should be running as 8-bit TVs not full color
to reduce the traffic.

       It  would greatly help if you explained what your computer
setup is.  I am guessing that you have 6 X terminals connected to 2
computers.  That is not a happy way to run.  If you run on computer A
with DISPLAY on terminal 1 and simply exit aips, then you leave all
the servers running on A with DISPLAY pointed at 1.  The next fellow
who wants DISPLAY set to 2 cannot use these servers.  You need to kill
the servers on exit - when you are done with them.  The best way to do
that is the verb KLEENEX which does exit plus kill servers.  Then the
next user can get them.  Or you can divide the numbers up - there can
be many local XAS's - 35 I think.  So 1-3 for user 1, 4-6 for user 2,

If your "terminals" are actually computers, it would be wise to have a
limited aips on all of them and run the XAS on the terminals.  That is

 > I know the scenario is awfully confused, but to start with some clear
 > questions:
 > where are the lock files for the AIPS TV stored, because it seems AIPS
 > remembers that only my machine is the owner of a certain TV (associated
 > with a number of tv local)?

        The thing that remembers is the procs XAS1, MSGSRV1, etc on
machine A for local TV 1, etc etc.  There are socket files in /tmp but
they go away when you exit (NOT kill -9 by the way).

 > Is there any problem you are aware of in getting more AIPS TVs from one
 > machine?

       I think you can have 36 - one Inet and 35 Unix ones.  For 6
users that should be enough.

 > Is there any relation between such problems and the ssh2?

      Yes - I cannot explain well but if display is A:10 which
actually stands for terminal 1 that will cause confusion the start up
scripts.  Pat Murphy may be able to amplify this point.


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